We want you to get the care you deserve.
Thesis Submission
After 20 months of work, multiple failures, and a lot of effort later finally submitted my thesis project to my guide Dr. Aravind Kumar.
56th IOS National Convention
Attending the 56th IOS national convention in Pune. Also had the pleasure of attending and being inspired by the IBO Convocation and witnessing our Ashwin sir being promoted to IBO Chairman.
Workshop on Presurgical Infant Orthopedics
Learning the intricacies of Naso-alveolar molding and pre-surgical infant orthopedics from the masters, Dr. Puneet Batra, Dr. Tradib Jayapal, and Dr. Ashith M V.
Attended the 25th Indian Orthodontic Society Post Graduate Convention held in Mangaluru
Webinar - Biomechanics reimagined - shifting the treatment paradigm by Dr. Mehdi Peikar
Orthodontist Premier League 2022 - Team Saveetha Singams
ROAR 2022 - Ramachandra Orthodontic Rapid Review Program